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16.01.2019 Nachrichten

Un-sanctioned | nachhaltigkeit

EE x UN-SANCTIONED - Nachhaltigkeit

Wir lieben unseren Job! Da wir täglich coole neue Marken treffen.
Wir waren überwältigt von der Kreativität der in Amsterdam ansässigen Marke (und ihren wunderschönen Bildern!).
Deshalb möchten wir die wunderschöne Geschichte, die sie über unsere Partnerschaft, Nachhaltigkeit und die Schaffung von Veränderungen geschrieben haben, weitergeben. 
[ Small Victories ] 
We met with a Dutch woven labels company that was founded in 1900. Yes, 1900. We wanted to develop woven brand labels with a classic feel... but from recycled yarns? They told us it was possible, "but only with the black". And not the gold, because they still had "normal" non-recycled gold yarn, so it also wouldn't be sustainable to purchase new recycled yarn while they still had that in stock. Fair point. But, we challenged them to permanently switch to the recycled gold yarn option once the stock ran out. To our somewhat surprise, they have committed to that switch. Which means, the gold yarn you will (eventually) see in our woven labels is not sustainable - yet. But in time, like the black, it will be.
Creating change, doing things a better way, is really difficult, and requires the help of partners who believe in what you're trying to achieve. 
And just like committing to a marathon, it takes time and patience, but we're slowly getting there. One yarn colour at a time. 
Over un-sanctioned: Het nieuwe running apparel brand dat staat voor "not totally fucking the planet". Zij gaan er vanuit dat hardlopers dat ook doen. Denk duurzaam. Denk eco. Maar... dat betekent niet het dragen van een "hair shirt". De stoffen die zij gebruiken moeten op zijn minst - zij het niet, béter - zijn dan die van "evil rivals". Omdat presteren er absoluut toe doet.  
About un-sancitoned: It's a start up performance running apparel brand that cares about "not totally fucking the planet". And they expect that runners do too. Think sustainable. Think eco. But... that does not mean wearing a hair shirt. The fabrics should at least perform equally to - if not better than - its evil rivals. Because performance absolutely matters.

Neugierig, ihren Fortschritt zu verfolgen? Sie können sich über ihre Website anmelden oder instagram @unsanctionedrunning folgen.
Sie suchen selbst nachhaltige, recycelte Etiketten? Kontaktieren Sie uns und informieren Sie sich, welche Farben wir von den recycelten Garnen lagernd haben.


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